Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Officially Ours

Dear Vivi -

So the way that this whole adoption process works in China is that, on the day we first get you, we sign a guardianship agreement that says that we promise to take care of you for 24 hours.  It's a trial run, if you can believe it.  As if anyone could have ripped you out of our arms after those first few seconds.

The first stop today, then, was the registration office again, so that we could get the official paperwork. See that folder in Mommy's hands?  That means that you are no longer a "foundling", but a Black, one of our family forever!
You celebrated by falling asleep on Daddy on the way to our next stop at the notary office to have more paperwork signed.
Kisses from Daddy.
This girl loves the bath!!
Pretty Vivi after her bath and just before bed.
There wasn't anything our family needed to do today after the notary, which was a good thing as Mommy didn't feel very well.  Daddy was awesome.  He took you to lunch and to Walmart with new friends and played with you in the room.  You definitely are bonding with both of us, but it's totally clear that you are your Daddy's little girl.  Every time you say, "Daddy", he turns your way with a funny face and you laugh your little belly laugh.  So adorable.

Here are a few things we have discovered about you so far:
  • You are really good natured.  Nothing seems to phase you and you've been happy to go along with whatever we need you to do with no complaints.
  • Having grown up in "healing homes" (what the Chinese call "foster homes"), you have been exposed to other languages, primarily English and Spanish.  You speak a few words of Mandarin, but not very many, which makes it so funny whenever a Chinese person, thinking they're being helpful, tries to speak Mandarin to you!  It's all I can do not to say, "Try Spanish and she might understand you better."  Who knew that when we flew to China to get you, we would need to brush up on our Spanish?
  • Your laugh sounds like you're about to cry, so it took Daddy and me a few times of hearing it to get used to the lovely belly laugh!
  • You do not like bows or barrettes in your hair. :(  You do, however, seem to love your winter hat. I hate to break it to you, Vivi, but you're not going to get much use out of that in Florida.
  • You talk all the time.  Seriously.  You're always babbling and already learning so many new words.  Everyone in our group is astounded that you are already calling us "Daddy" and "Mama".  We adore it.
  • We skyped with your brothers and grandmother today.  They were soooo excited to see you!!  You didn't really seem to grasp who they were, but sat on  Daddy's lap so that you could watch them on the screen.  You all are going to have so much fun together.
There are so many other things, but it's very late here (the hotel internet connection seems to only really work when it's late at night and no one else is on it) and I need to get some sleep.  Tomorrow we travel 2 1/2 hours one way by van back to your home city to register for your passport. We're hoping to visit the orphanage, although you didn't spend a lot of time there, and maybe see close to where your finding spot was.  It will be another long and emotional day, but will take us another step closer to being able to get on a plane with you in nine days and take you home.

Mommy and Daddy

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