Sunday, December 15, 2013

First Days as a Family of Five

Dear Vivi -

It's safe to say that your brothers really love you.  They may or may not be treating you like a new toy that they want to have and touch all the time, but I'm just thrilled they love you.  We have lots of conversations and reminders that you are here to stay and so they will have plenty of time to play with you - and should therefore not wake you up from your nap while you're trying to get on a post-jet-lag schedule.

You are settling in beautifully to your new life.  We had read all kinds of stories, and prepared for the long haul in waiting for you to bond with us and accept your new home and family.  You, however, have fit right in without missing a beat.  You will go to anyone, but the time Daddy and I spent with you in China clearly had an impact as you look to us when you need comfort or want something, so we feel like we are getting established as key figures in your life.  You are sleeping well (save for that four hour stint in the middle of the night last night), and you have met a few people, all of whom you have charmed.  We're pretty sure that you don't yet realize that this is a permanent situation instead of another healing home, but that realization will come with time.  Overall, we really could not ask for this to be going any better.

Here are some scenes from your first days at home.

Eating a snack with your brothers.
Smiling with Liam.  You look almost as big as he is in this picture!
It takes four people to take you on a walk.  Also, I can see how much fun we're going to have getting everyone to look at the camera at the same time.
Hanging out with Micah.
This might be my favorite.  Micah and Liam are so excited to be playing with you on Liam's bed. Your look of, "What have you gotten me into?" is just priceless.
You'll figure out soon, Vivi, that you already rule the roost in so many ways.  And when you do figure it out, we are soooo in trouble.

Mommy & Daddy

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