Friday, May 2, 2014

The Outward and Visible Sign

 Dear Vivi -

"Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, demonstrating to the world God’s love for us and our adoption into God’s family."   (The United Methodist Church)

"In baptism, God claims us, and seals us to show that we belong to God. God frees us from sin and death, uniting us with Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection."  (PCUSA)

I have always loved the sacrament of baptism. The act of dedicating a child to God, acknowledging that we as parents cannot raise this child properly alone, watching as grace is poured out on to the child in the form of water - are there many more moments when we are closer to God?

Lucia set up a special table in the church on the morning of your baptism.  She set symbolic things on it, including a silk piece of fabric and a bowl that Daddy and I brought back from China just for this occasion.
We got a little tripped up with the candles - or, more specifically, the candle-lighter - but the symbolism of the lit candles and the unlit candles wasn't lost on us.  We will probably never know all the people who loved you and supported you during the first two years of your life, but our family is committed to knowing you for the rest of forever.
Mum-Mum and Pop-Pop were there to witness your baptism.
I love this picture of the two of us.  Even though you can't see it, I'm looking right into your eyes and trying to let you know that the water will be on your head soon.
Checking out Pop-Pop during the service to make sure that he's paying attention.
The bowl from China had been moved into the baptismal font, and then the water was poured into the bowl.
Baptized into the family of God.
Here we are watching you as you're introduced to the congregation, and the congregation is learning that your name means, "alive", "joy", and "gracious" - quite a lot to live into!
You were pretty happy the whole time.
Back with Daddy as we pray at together at the end of your baptism.
Posing in the garden after the service.
Like you, both of your brothers were baptized at First Presbyterian. It is our church home, and it is the community that has supported us and is now supporting the three of your on your faith journey.  They will help you to learn about Jesus.  They will help you to read the words of the Bible. They will help you when you have questions about faith.  They will love you as you grow.

Vivi, it's so important that you understand how much this community has loved you from the first moment they heard we were adopting and saw your beautiful picture.  They have supported us financially, emotionally, and spiritually as we slowly made our way to you. 

I am convinced that they have prayed you here.

What a gift it was to be able to give you back to the community that is already so much a part of you.

And so there is no other place we would want to see you join the family of God than with your family - your whole family.  As you learn to love Jesus, may you always know that you can depend on your whole church family to love you and be there for you.  Just as they have loved us, they will love you.

Welcome to the family.

Mommy and Daddy

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