Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Second Sunday in Advent

Dear Vivi--

You won't remember, but we went to church today. . .the Second Sunday in Advent. . .in China.  The gathering was called the Guangzhou International Christian Fellowship church and it was all of those things rolled in to one.  It was in Guangzhou (our last home before returning to the States) at a hotel on the other side of town; it was truly International--with people from all over the world in attendance; it was Christian--proclaiming the name of Jesus in word and song; and it was a Fellowship--not a formally recognized church in China, but a gathering of people who are not from China.  The amazing thing about this was that it was not open to Chinese people.  Christianity is still against the law in China, so those in attendance were only from other countries.  They are not even allowed to bring their Chinese friends along.  Mommy and Daddy enjoyed going to church very much, though both coming from life-long church experiences, they made a few notes of critique!  The worship music was good, not great.  There were lots of scriptures, none of which were addressed with much depth, but then again, we come from traditions where we use one scripture and explore it in great depth.  The service lacked anything resembling liturgy that we know (which Mommy and Daddy have come to appreciate--especially this time of year), but there was thought and planning and attention to detail which allowed us to worship freely.  We were simply grateful for the opportunity.

We arrived in Guangzhou yesterday, and this is our hotel room until we depart at the end of the week.  It is quite comfortable and has everything we could need and more.  We are staying at the China Hotel (very creatively named) and we've noticed that while most of the region does not acknowledge that Christmas is soon upon us, every hotel does.  There is a Christmas tree in every hotel lobby, and there are lights and decorations everywhere.  It is obvious that most of it is for those of us Westerners who are far from our homes at this time of year.  Mommy and Daddy are certainly missing home, and your brothers, very much.  We have had our fill of authentic Chinese food, but we have run back to our American roots--Papa Johns, Starbucks, Coca-Cola--they have been like old friends.
Daddy has enjoyed watching you explore the world and show us all that you know.  Here's a picture of your first attempt at a "selfie", which was not so much intentional as it was a consequence of you getting a hold of my phone.  There were many "attempts" along the way, most of which did not demonstrate your true artistic ability with a camera.  I love hearing all of your vocabulary as well--which has shown us the extensive training your Healing Home families have already provided you.  As soon as Daddy goes to pay for something, you seem to shout at the top of your voice, "MONEY!", which only heightens Daddy's anxiety about carrying lots of cash in a strange land.  Thank you.

And you love to announce things to us--as they are happening, or as you wish they would happen.  "Troller!" (for stroller); "Night Night" for bedtime; the constant "Cookie!" for anything resembling food; "Shower" for bath time; and you love to push the elevator "button" as we go up and down.  Most of your language is mixed in with your Spanish and limited Mandarin.  Now that we are in the south of China, the predominant language here is Cantonese--and none of the three of us know one bit of that.  It was a miracle we were able to take two cab rides to church and back.  Fortunately, the people here are extremely helpful and are used to our ignorance.
Most of all, we are just enjoying getting to know you.  We are thrilled by the quick pace at which you have taken to us as your  new parents.  It's as though you had completed an adoptee-readiness training before coming our way.  You've rarely been upset except when we finally remove the food source from your reach.  As we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent, we are so incredible grateful for the gift that is you.  We are pushing through our exhaustion, our frustration with being in a foreign land, our travelers' illnesses, our distress about being so far from our boys for so long, our fears and our uncertainties--all because we are living in a season of hope, peace, joy and love.  We were reminded this morning in worship that Jesus is the light of the world.  And this makes absolutely everything possible.  Even through the challenges of this journey, we are so incredibly grateful.


Daddy and Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers for patience and strength. What a beautiful little gift for Christmas this year! Hang in there. ~ Aunt Laura
