Dear Vivi,
I haven't had the privilege of writing to you yet, but I'm so excited to become your Dad! As we continue to wait patiently, some of us are concerned about some parts of bringing you home, and others of us are concerned about other parts. There are many things we are trying to do make sure we get you as soon (and as securely) as possible. Part of what I've been concerned with has been all of the funding it will take to get you here. I haven't been worried, but it takes many dollars and many steps to get you here. As we have let people know about you, and as they have shown such amazing love for our family, we have been blessed beyond measure. . .except part of it has to be measured!
Our calling to bring you into our family has been strong. We have trusted that God would provide what we needed to make this happen, because we believed very deeply that we were supposed to search for you and find you and make you part of our family. The journey has been nothing short of amazing, and we are so humbled by the generosity of so many that we know and love, and even many others that we do not know. So, here's some of what we've done to get you here. . . and the part so many have played in getting you to your forever family.
As of today, July 26th, 2013, here's the latest on our progress and all that has come together so far:
Adoption Agency fees for our agency, CCAI (Chinese Children Adoption International): $8476
CCCWA (China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption): $900
Clearances/Fees/Documents: $1724
Postage/Courier Services: $415
Total Spent so far: $11,515
Open Donations: $5145
Yard Sale #1: $1320
Yard Sale #2: $1075
Yard Sale #3: $430
Puzzle and Associated Donations: $6140
Total Given so far: $14,110
So, the amazing gift to us is that God has provided each step of the way. We have put some of our own money into this process and yet, we have not had to borrow anything. So many different people have joined this process and we continue to be overwhelmed.
But there is still more. We still have a long way to go, including our travel to get you, payments to various agencies in China, getting you adopted, out of China and on a plane back home. Those are the big things, and then we will be able to help you join our family and all of the daily blessings we get to experience each day right where we are. Here's what we estimate is still in store for us.
(promotional consideration given to Airtran, who by the way, does not fly to China)
Our Visas to enter China: $400
Airfare: $4000, including your ticket home
Travel and Accommodations in China: $3800
Adoption Registration and Notarization: $800
Your Passport: $150
Orphanage fee: $5700 (cost of caring for you your whole life so far)
Food in China: $800
Your Physical and Photo: $120
Your U.S. Entry Visa: $230
Your birth certificate: $20
Court validation fee in Hillsborough County: ???? (varies by county)
Total yet to go: $15,810
While these estimates are on the high end, that's still a lot of money. However, we have lots of help and hope to get some grants and assistance through several options available to us. Besides, people just keep giving! It is truly amazing! In the end, you are worth every bit of it.
Here's one more number to consider: 712,000. That's the number of orphaned children in China alone who need a family. Because of a calling from God and the incredible generosity of people, we are thrilled to say that there is now one less child who needs a family.
While you are just one, we know that our life together will be so incredible. We have been so moved by your pictures, the stories of your progress, and the many gifts that you possess. We are ready to get on a plane now and come get you. As soon as the paperwork is ready, we will do exactly that. We have so many others who are waiting to meet you and enter your life when you are ready. We are also praying for you and for the wonderful joys we have come to know every day.
The "bottom line" is that we are thrilled to be welcoming you and we simply cannot wait to meet you!
Daddy and Mommy
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